Our Education and Training services are committed to promoting positive mental health and building resilience through our programmes. We believe that by equipping people with the knowledge and skills to support themselves and others, we can make a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of our communities.

Our Resilience Academy programmes have been delivered in 76 schools this year to over 20,000 students. 556 Amber Flags were awarded in 2022 – an increase of 90% from 2021.


We invite you to explore our programmes below and join us in our mission to promote mental health and well-being for all.

School Fundraising Opportunities

By taking on a fundraising initiative you are helping Pieta's services to remain free of charge to those in need. Your school can get involved with a Christmas Jumper Day, Darkness Into Light, or Pieta Flag Day.

Client Testimonies

To highlight in a public way that feeling down is ok, that you’re not alone and that the flag flying on top of our school building represents the fact that we see you. We know you’re hurting, and we will help. 
Amber Flag Participant
What I liked most about the programmes was the mental health part. I think it really helped me with my stress levels, and when I feel down that it's ok to talk to others so they can help me.
Resilience Academy Participant
We wanted a physical symbol to fly at our school to help promote positive mental health and to visualise our collective approach to promoting positive mental health. 
Amber Flag Participant
"I liked that it showed that people actually care about teenagers' mental health."
Resilience Academy Participant
We pride ourselves on creating a nurturing and supportive environment for everyone, and I think the Amber Flag will be a great achievement to celebrate that.
Amber Flag Participant
The programme covered many topics that were interesting, and other programmes wouldn't consider the mental health of us students like how this one did.
Resilience Academy Participant
Being involved in the Amber Flag meant that we were promoting a positive, accepting environment in the school. We wanted to show all students that their mental health is important and that there are ways to incorporate wellbeing into everyday life.
Amber Flag Participant
I liked that it [Road to Resilience Programme] made you think about coping/relaxation methods.
Resilience Academy Participant
The Amber Flag initiative has fostered a real sense of community in our school.
Amber Flag Participant
This was a great programme, and I'm so grateful for this organisation [Pieta].
Resilience Academy Participant

Interested In More Education and Training?

While Pieta's Education and Training programmes are offering solid foundations for young people's mental health and resilience, we know that there are other valuable programmes out there that are worth your attention as well. Please click the link below to learn more:

HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention Programmes



Do you have a question?

We have collected the most frequently asked questions that people have asked regarding Pieta and its services. If you couldn't see what you were looking for and have further questions, you can email us at educationtraining@pieta.ie, and we'll do our best to answer your questions.