All Pieta centres provide suicide bereavement therapy; please call the centre nearest to you to book an appointment.

Pieta provides free, one-to-one therapy sessions to those Bereaved by Suicide. Therapy is offered nationally – by video, phone, or in-person at one of our locations across Ireland.

Who is Suicide Bereavement Therapy for?

Suicide Bereavement Therapy is available for young people and adults following a loss through suicide.

We know that there is no time limit on when you will need help after your loss. Pieta offers free Suicide Bereavement to help you and your loved ones through it.

You can set up appointments personally, except in the case of those under 18, who are required to have parental consent. 

"Grief does not follow a linear path; it does not always move in a forward direction. Therefore, Pieta’s suicide bereavement model is flexible, as everyone’s journey can differ."

We typically offer up to 20 sessions to adults and up to 15 sessions to children and adolescents. Children/adolescents experience all the same emotions as adults but express them differently.

We understand this is a big step for anyone, and our dedicated staff are there to support those accessing our services. 

Suicide bereavement shares many of the characteristics of other bereavement, but it is also a special grief and often traumatic.  This can be complicated by feelings of stigma and isolation and having so many questions, often with no answers.

Pieta offers those bereaved by suicide a safe space, a sense of normality in their experience, a sense of understanding and an opportunity to speak about their experiences.

Our bereavement services give the bereaved permission to feel as they do, with compassionate therapists being present with the clients in distress to ease the process of mourning.

The First Step Is To Call Us

If you don’t feel you can manage this alone, ask a loved one to help you by being there with you when you make the call.We will need to ask you some questions to ensure we are the right service for you; if so, we will arrange an appointment.  

You will always be treated with dignity and respect. 

You will need to provide the phone contact details of a support person to ensure we have an In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact. Following the assessment, we’ll arrange for one of our therapists to start your therapy with you. You’ll see them as soon as possible. 

Appointments are usually 50 minutes and are always free of charge.

Some Help & Advice

We have collected the most frequently asked questions that people have asked regarding Pieta and its services. If you are new to our services or our website, we encourage you to have a look through them. Thank you.