Pieta is Open and Transparent
Accountability |
Pieta is audited annually by an external firm and has an internal audit function. Pieta is a fully registered charity wholly committed to the codes of best practice – both in terms of Fundraising and Financial reporting - in the Irish charity sector. In order to do this we need to ensure we provide the best care possible. We need a qualified team of counsellors with the appropriate clinical governance and management structures. Our therapists are all professionals with the highest standards of education required to support Pieta clients. Every year thousands of people come to us in crisis. |
Governance |
We are governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees. Our Board does not receive a salary from Pieta. They give their time free of charge and have a range of experience in Corporate Governance, IT, Psychology, Finance, Public Healthcare etc. |
Funds |
Funds are used to support people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, engaging in self-harm or have been bereaved by suicide. We deal with all in a warm, compassionate, non-judgmental and professional manner. Funds are allocated across our 20 centres and used to maximise the reach of Pieta and to keep our services free. We offer 24 hours 365 days support to people who need it most. |
In 2022 alone, Pieta delivered over 51,000 hours of intervention and bereavement counselling and received almost 100,000 crisis support calls and texts.
Salaries |
Pieta salaries are benchmarked and in line with similar organisations in the sector. We maintain an appropriate salary structure across the organisation. Our Annual Report has information on our CEO salary and levels of remuneration for those on salaries in excess of €70,000. |
Transparency |
Pieta is committed to complete financial transparency. Our financial accounts are published each year and are available in our annual reports. |
Committed to the Highest Standards of Governance and Complete Transparency |
We fully comply with the legislation governing Irish charities and with the relevant regulatory frameworks. Pieta demonstrates openness, transparency and integrity to our beneficiaries and donors operating to the Charities Institute Ireland Triple Lock Standards - transparent reporting, good fundraising and governance. Our Board of Trustees are fully engaged in the governance of Pieta and we comply with the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Governance Code. The Trustees of Pieta have adopted the Charities Regulator "Charities Governance Code" |